Sunday, 5 February 2012

Award winning ads of 2011 - the Gunn Report

AttachmentThe Gunn Report for 2011 has been released. This comprehensive report combines the winners' lists from all of the world’s most important advertising award contests and establishes the annual worldwide league tables for the Advertising industry.

It seems that it was a pretty good year for the Wieden + Kennedy network.... For the first time in the Gunn Report's history, Wiedens has won the top two places in the Most Awarded Agency category, with Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam coming top, and W+K Portland in second place.

The UK came second in the most awarded countries:

Most Awarded Countries in the World in 2011

1. USA
2. UK
3. Brazil
4. Argentina
5. Germany

For the complete list winners from the Gunn Report visit the Creative Review blog.

And, below is the most awarded TV commercial for Nike:

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