Friday, 9 September 2011

Reputation - 'lost in the blink of an eye'

ThinkTank_Logo_Large.jpgWhile preparing a communications workshop to be delivered to a client, the Think Tank PR team got into a discussion about reputation management.  “Reputation, like trust, takes time to build but can be lost in the blink of an eye,” says Neville Bain, Chairman of the Institute of Directors in his foreword to the recently published Chartered Institute of Public Relations’ Reputation and the Board - Guidance for PR Consultants and Board Directors.

Paying attention to the long term value of a brand is often overlooked, particularly in tough times, when the attention is on the short-term sales cycle.  But it’s also worth considering that creating perceptions of a product or the service that supports it, or a service itself, is not just about communications.  It needs to be locked into the whole business process.

Today, and tomorrow, with increasing access to information, everyone it seems is an ‘expert’ and takes what you say at face value.  Trust has to be built in every aspect of how you do business.

There are some interesting recommendations about managing reputation in this guidance document and the CIPR is asking Directors and Board Directors for feedback.

You can download the PDF at here

Monday, 5 September 2011

Always Coca Cola. Or rather, Diet Coke.

DietCoke.jpgA new intriguing packaging for the Cola family and guess who is behind it? Turner Duckworth of course.

After recently repackaging Coca-Cola, and winning multiple awards for doing so, Duckwoth has created a new look for its younger sister, Diet Coke.
The graphics are substantially a crop of the logo, which is then wrapped around the can. Two cans together form the word "OK".

This limited edition will soon need to populate our fridge, as there are some Diet Coke fans amongst us. No offence for Pepsi lovers of course.

However, talking about graphics is only half of the job. We advise you to take a look at the other images on Creative Review.