Thursday, 26 September 2013

Google cut ties with keyword search data

Over the past couple of days Google has announced it will switch users to an encrypted search domain, meaning that users will no longer be able to view the keywords people have used to search for their website.

These restrictions continue a trend for Google; you may remember back in October 2011 it was announced that search results would be encrypted for logged-in Google users – including any Google-owned product like YouTube, Google+ etc. Now Google has gone a step further.

This new encryption only affects organic searches and keywords can still be tracked through paid campaigns. So having an AdWords paid campaign will allow you to develop a more balanced strategy that will allow you to gain more information about your users.                                                           
Google argue that these changes are aimed at building higher levels of security for its users, however what is true is that these changes should encourage a strategy that’s built around good website content rather than purely keyword analysis.  

But don’t despair, there are still plenty of ways to use analysis to benefit your website; for example you can still look at the top organic landing pages, and draw comparisons between search volumes before and after work is done to improve your site.  

If you get tired of Google controlling the digital world you can always glean analytical insights through other search engines such as Bing and Yahoo, which currently remain unaffected by these encryptions.  

If you have any queries regarding your SEO or need any additional assistance contact the Think Tank team for assistance.