Friday, 14 May 2010

#design Van De Velde showroom by Labscape -

Play along with B2B Marketing World Cup Predicta... and the chance to win an iPad?

#design Coquine bar, London -

Thursday, 13 May 2010

The Think Tank comments upon tackling public perceptions of the construction industry

at are you like? – The public’s perceptions of the construction industry.
CM article.JPGElaine Knutt examines the public image of the construction industry and what the industry is doing to combat the negative perceptions generally held. The article, featured in Construction Manager this month, looks at the topic and discusses ways in which businesses can help to improve the public perceptions and change attitudes. It includes comments from various industry professionals, which include Samantha Dawe, Director at The Think Tank.
‘Construction’s poor reputation with the public will weigh against it in the tough times ahead. How can the industry counter it?’ Elaine Knutt reports.
Click here to see the full article

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Hotel construction boom in London - by Kieran Long in Evening Standard

Hotel Construction Boom in London.jpgWhat do you remember from your last stay in a hotel? Was it the subtle welcome of a doorman in a porte cochère, the effortless elegance of a reception desk, the dark glamour of a cocktail bar? Or, like me, do you remember walking down a maze of corridors with no windows, fiddling with a credit-card key, seeing your name incorrectly spelled on the TV screen (Welcome! Mrs Kieran Logn!), then trying for 15 minutes to work out how to turn off the lights?

#interior design Centre for Restoration by UTArchitects -

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

#marketing don't skimp on the creative brief

Roadmap 2050 Architecture Article

Roadmap 2050 by Rem Koolhaas's OMA | Architecture review -

Stunning redevelopment of an Ice House featured on Restoration Man

Check out fantastic redevelopment of an Ice House on Ch4 with George Clarke

Ice House.jpg