Tuesday, 18 January 2011

2011: The Year of the Mobile

Mobile.jpg2011 seems set to be the year of the mobile with apps being created faster than ever before. With a prediction of nearly two-thirds of retail shoppers soon to be using their mobiles for shopping, it would seem as though apps can't be created fast enough.

ForeSee Results have utilised data from the Christmas shopping period to create a benchmark for shopping trends. Such were the results that they have made the bold statement that 'any retailer not actively working to develop, measure, and refine its mobile experience is leaving money on the table for competitors."

Historically trends that hit the consumer market will at some point be on the table for discussion in the business market in the near future. At what point the B2B market will seriously look into this as a touch point in their marketing strategy we shall have to wait and see but it will inevitably be yet another medium for the market to get its head around. For more information on the rise of the mobile follow this link  http://bit.ly/gYeHop

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