Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Come In, It's Raining (Inside the House)

I Wish You Hadn't Asked.jpgThe sun is shining today in London, yesterday the weather was quite miserable. Yet in both cases we were in our cosy offices with big windows. The Glue Society, a quite irreverent Australian creative collective, made a great job by swapping things round.

Their contribution to the on-going Sculpture By the Sea  festival (2 June - 3 July, Aarhus, Denmark), is a big house where it actually rains inside. You visit it with pretty yellow rain jackets. The title of the work is I Wish You Hadn't Asked and it actually rains 200 litres of water per minute. There is a gloomy part to it all of course, because during the month of exposition the house will be slowly "transformed into a uncomfortable, hostile environment" by the rain itself.

Smile when you are indoors and it's raining then, or if you get curious of how things would be if it were the other way round, buy a ticket to Denmark. Totally worth it.

Image: Nicolai Lorenzen. Have a look at more.

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