Monday 14 January 2013

Do you know any Rising B2B Marketing Stars?

B2B marketing
Following on from last year, The Think Tank's client B2B Marketing are searching for Rising Stars for 2013.

The initiative is for people in B2B marketing to nominate a colleague who they feel has made a stand-out difference or special contribution to the world of B2B marketing in the past year. There are no special requirements for entry, they are only looking for talented B2B client-side marketers who are rapidly rising through the ranks in their respective organisations and showcasing real talent.

Some of the 20 featured entrants from last year even became shortlisted for the B2B Marketer of the Year.

James Farmer, publishing director at B2B Marketing, said, “Levels of sophistication in business marketing are growing exponentially, this is down to individuals in the profession."

“There has never been a better time to reward and reveal those at the top of their game, driving the industry forward”.

If you know anyone that deserves to be held aloft as one of B2B Marketing’s rising stars for 2013, nominate them now.

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