Tuesday 17 May 2011

Dispelling the myths of Social Media

Marketing through Social Media channels has become a commonly discussed subject in recent years. It is a topic that The Think Tank is regularly asked to explain, clarify and recommend how it can be used to expand and supplement traditional forms of B2B marketing. The topic itself is quite complex, however Social Media can be used effectively to supplement a wide range of marketing activities including Brand Development, Media Relations, Direct Marketing, Promotions and Advertising.

Social Media is being used extensively within the B2C marketing environment however it has only really starting to take hold in business to business marketing recently with many organisations struggling to find justification for engagement. It is essential to ensure that this marketing channel is used to meet specific objectives, expand current marketing activities and not try and replace them.

Social Media campaigns should be developed to ensure relevance to each organisation's marketing objectives, however for those investigating whether they should engage or not Liam Bateman, Director, The Think Tank, dispells a few myths of Social Media that you may wish to consider:

1. We need to use every Social Media channel that we can find. 

2. Social Marketing is free!

3. If we set up profiles people will follow us

4. Social Media is just for chatting with friends   

Click here to view the full article  'Dispelling the Myths of Social Media'

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