Thursday 28 March 2013

VW advert aims to catch the fast-forwarders

VW slowmercialIn a world of DVR recorders, Sky+ and TiVo it's becoming harder for advertisers to reach their audience as many record their shows just so that they can skip the adverts.

In an attempt to tackle this issue head-on DDB Brussels has produced a special TV ad for Volkswagen that when fast forwarded still works as an advert.

Given the moniker 'slowmercial', this new format features the VW beetle convertible in action, mainly closing the roof. At normal speed this could almost be painful to watch were it not for the relaxing birdsong in the background, but at a fast forward speed the ad works well.

The advert is only presently only being shown in Belgium but you can see it below.

It is a clever concept but does it impact upon the effectiveness of the normal speed ad, after all you cannot bore people into buying a product1

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