Monday 4 March 2013

Five great creative promotional items

IamsweedsAlzheimer's ErasersNiveaMinistry of TransportBuzzfeed has produced an amazing collection of creative promotional items from the past 5 years.

The list includes;
Dumbbell Frisbees by Iams in Australia (2009), a comical and clever way to spread the message "Iams makes your dog strong"

A giant marijuana cigarette to promote the TV series "Weeds" in Sweden (2008). Inside the 'spliff' was a bouquet of hemp plants and a message about the show.

A rubber eraser USB by Alzheimer's New Zealand (2010), building on the association of memory loss with Alzheimer's, the functional eraser was hollowed out for a USB stick and distributed to politicians and organisations to raise awareness.

A special sofa by Nivea in USA (2008), promoting a new product during Miami fashion week. Several of these were installed in various locations 

A car with googly eyes by the Federal Ministry of Transport in Germany (2009). A clever campaign to raise awareness of drink-driving, these blood-shot googly eye beetles were driven around alcohol fueled public events.

They are all great examples of creative marketing at its best, taking the basic message of each product and developing a memorable way to promote it.

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