Monday 4 February 2013

TTT Tips - Content Marketing - Part 1

SharelikeSocial MarketingWe’re regularly being asked about content marketing and how businesses should use social media to engage their audiences. On this note, we thought it would be a good idea to offer a few hints and tips that readers may find useful. Here is part 1 of 2.  

1.    Fear of missing out 
Deliver content that is unique, inspiring, useful and about something new; no one wants to miss out on the next big thing and content that is interesting and communicates something to the reader that they have not seen before will encourage engagement and sharing. Look for the wow factor or the unusual.

2.    Make your content easy to skim
Only around 20% of online content is read so try to break down what you are saying into lists or shorter paragraphs that allow readers to skim through and find the information they need quickly and without effort.

3.    Make it informative
We all want to feel like we’ve learnt something; if your content offers to educate the reader then link to other websites that substantiate your information or reference to other sources.

4.    Allow the content to be shared easily
Add sharing buttons for as many social networks as possible and offer the ability to email the content. The easier it is for people to share, the more likely they are to share it.

5.    Length is related to sharing
Make content substantial but not too long. There are direct correlations between the number of words and how viral content may become.

6.    Show consistency and authority in posts
Regularly posting content that is informative and accurate boosts your online reputation. Ensure that your content is written well, grammatically correct and offers insightful information.

7. Don’t make content all about you
People don’t like self-promoters, the most interesting person at a party is not the one who constantly talks about themselves. Talk about interesting topics that other people can relate to and that are relevant to your business and the products and services you offer.

Part 2 coming soon.....

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