Wednesday 27 June 2012

Canstruction comes to London

CanstructionCanstruction designEver fancied knocking down a stack of cans in a supermarket. Then you wouldn't have been very popular at Canstruction last week.

Sunday saw architects, designers and engineers coming together to compete in teams of five in the 20th anniversary of the Canstruction competition.

The task was to build sculptures entirely from canned food during the 12-hour competition that took place in London's canary Wharf. 

Waitrose and food retailer AF Blakemore provided the contestants with 40,000 cans to build their designs. Competitors included engineering practice Thornton Tomasetti who used cans of Heinz Cooked Spaghetti to create a rocket ship and others used Heinz Baked Beans cans to create a variety of shaped archways.

This is the first time that Canstruction has come to the UK and is part of the London Festival of Architecture which started on 23rd June.

For more information see World Interior Design Network.

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